University of Dar Es Salaam ICT Innovation hub

Where ideas are born and nurtured to create a meaningful impact on the society


Get to know our programmes.

We use the Challenge Driven Innovation framework to accelerate traditional innovation outcomes by leveraging open innovation and crowdsourcing. Using a well  defined methodology, process and tools we  help organizations develop and implement actionable solutions to their key problems, opportunities and Challenges.

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We provide a supporting environment for students with entrepreneurial ideas to establish their own startups and businesses. Our services include grooming students  through training, mentorship and support. Our program includes  20 weeks of training and mentorship, networking and business planning and execution. 

Our team

  1. Dr. Diana Rwegasira – Program Leader
  2. Alex Mkwizu – Students coordinator


Our Partners in this Sub-Program include StartHub, Sahara Ventures, COSTECH


NextGen empowers and inspire innovation in the  lower level institutions including teachers and students at elementary and secondary levels towards Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and Innovation. The aim is to fuel creativity and inspire youth to careers in science and engineering.


Our Team

  1. Dr. Khadija Mkocha – Program leader


Our Partners are TCRA, UCSAF, UNICEF

You have crazy Idea?, before you forget, Act now
What we do
  • Pre-incubation
  • Acceleration
  • Innovation Projects
  • Industrial Challenges
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